Sonic HRT #14: what did erian say?

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Thursday, August 29, 2024 - 11:22 AM

Ooop. I just realized Robin's voice bubble in panel one is pointing directly at Sonic's crotch! ^_^;; I'll hafta fix that. But yeah! Page one of the next installment of Sonic HRT! Haven't blocked out all the page layouts yet, so I'm not sure how many will be in part 14? But yeah, 4 of the 19 panels, tho', so that's a thing.

Thursday, September 5, 2024 - 3:59 PM

I thiiiiink this is page 2 of 4? I think. We'll see.

^_^;; I'm pretty annoyed from fighting with Illustrator to get a decent export of this page for posting. I built the first page of installment 14 directly onto my comic page template, but this page I sketched on the template, then took the sketches to their own, larger canvases to finish. Helped me get some lighter linework and not need to fight with Procreate's layer restrictions. Then I brought the finished frames over to Illustrator on my laptop to stitch the panels back into a page and pop in the text and voice bubbles. Pretty much how I've been doing comics for awhile now.

Buuuut I hadn't had a template set for the previous Sonic HRT installments, and got used to the files exporting...nicely. Going back to my old template, I'm getting some real crunchy and small exports, and it's being a pain to fight. I've got some ideas on how to deal with this for later pages I haven't already stitched together, but also.

Fucking hell, does Illustrator make this harder to deal with than necessary. I really, really gotta finally quit Adobe suite. It's such shit. I've been down to just Illustrator for awhile now, but fuck. I don't love CSP, I've had similar issues with exporting files from it. I like vector programs, and really need to try out Inkscape. -_- Yay bashing my head against a wall learning new programs.

Sunday, September 8, 2024 - 9:39 PM

^_^ Family. I love my mates so, so much. The kink etc dynamic isn't super explicit here, but yeah, my mates have a caretaker/little and mistress/slave dynamic and my dynamic with the both of them is its own thing.

Autism, bro.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 4:22 PM

FINALLY! It's so hard to sit on complete pages!!! I don't think I'm gonna do that again? IDK, better for storytelling, worse for me...

I like having these domestic scenes where I'm talking to my mates about stuff. Reflects our real experiences, especially with transitioning under capitalism.

Hey, concerns about doctors blocking your necessary medical procedures! Whoa!

So when I was setting up to get top surgery, I was still working for and lived near though fortunately not with, my abusive-ass parents. I told them I was getting a "breast reduction" and they insisted I would convalesce with them. Great. While in one of the final appointments leading up to the surgery, my surgeon asked what my post surgery plans were. And was, admittedly rightfully, horror-struck at the idea of me trying to recover from surgery in my abusive-ass family's house.

However...I couldn't do anything about where I would be directly post-surgery. I had no choice. I planned to get home as soon after surgery as I could, maybe ask my friends for help if needed...but staying at my parents' was Not Something I Could Get Out Of. My surgeon was so sure her team would correctly gender me and let the secret out of the bag (this did not happen, they did not gender me correctly even once), and looked like she would cancel the whole thing unless I came out to my parents. Cuz again, I didn't have better options. I fully expected to be blowing up my life, losing my job, the whole thing. But at least I'd be able to get surgery.

I came out to my parents. Drafted a letter, went to a restaurant with two of my best friends, met my parents there, and gave them the letter. It was civilized. There wasn't explosions right then. Everything was very contained. What with the public and all. The shoe didn't drop immediately.

But both of them, separately, got me alone to vent their spleens about the whole deal. My dad told me I was his "Horse riding, jean wearing, girl," and more sensitive than my sister, and therefore more girly. My mom told me that me being trans was literally "Worse than her brothers dying."

So about what I expected. Fucking horrible. Honestly, would've almost been better if they just tossed me. I wouldn't have had years more of abuse at their hands.

So yeah. Came out to my parents because my doctor pressured me in ways that jeopardized my transition (after 10 months waiting for my surgery appointment), it went predictably poorly, I still had to "recover" at their house.

Interesting post-script to that story, I apparently have a pretty good pain tolerance? I was able to drive home after about two days? And drove 40 minutes out to got out with friends at Halloween before my drains had even been removed? ^_^ That was rad.