Sonic's Blog

I'm Sonic, and this is my blog! I talk about my life as a transmasc nonbinary Otherkin guy, and all the weird ways the different parts of my life interact. I make art and work as a horseback riding instructor.

New Arts Schedule? New Arts Schedule

Thursday, April 18, 2024 - 7:30 PM

Okay, it's a mistake to try and establish this Right Now, This Week, Today, because my work schedule just changed and I haven't given myself a chance to get my feet under me on the new schedule yet...and just came out of 3 weeks of camp, but whatever. Doing it anyway.

I've really liked the experimenting I've been doing with trying to queue up daily art posts. I think it's gone really well, helped me try and stay loose and not get bound up in Making It Perfect, and I like how well I've been doing at not letting myself spiral when I do have to miss a day (or 4) because it's a goal, not a requirement. I like that I've managed to not let myself block myself off when I "get behind", because I don't have a "behind" to get. If I miss that day, no worries, we'll try for the next one.

You knew the "but" was coming.

I need to make my Big Projects, too! I NEEEEEEED to make It Doesn't Matter! I need to make New Normal! I need to set aside time to paint and stuff!

Cycling through projects week by week worked really well for me when I tried it June to November in 2019, so let's do that again. Right now my days off are roughly Wednesday, and Thursday, so I'll try and use those days for Big Projects, and work days do one off arts to post. This week can be It Doesn't Matter, cuz I already did it, next week New Normal, and week after painting and stuff, then back to It Doesn't Matter!

So, yeah, hopefully that'll go well!

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One of my mates, Robin, is absolutely prolific about writing reviews. Film, book, comic, TV, you name it, they'll record their opinion in a fun, witty way. Well, I wanted in on the fun, too!

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