Page 2, HENTAI!
Friday, January 19, 2018 - 11:17 PM
Wow, past me. Just wow. Not much more to say on this one, except maybe that, at the time, the only person who'd ever grabbed my ass without permission was a little kid on an elevator. Which was an experience. But mostly funny.
Now, though? Yeah, I had a pretty shitty experience where anxiety and depression were making it impossible to sleep, so I took a walk around my then-neighborhood to blow off some stress. Some guy came up behind me and grabbed my ass. I was pretty damn startled. Thing is, I was also in the pitch-dark middle of fuckin' nowhere, and there wasn't any way anyone would've come to help if I'd screamed for it. I didn't think I could outrun the guy, and wasn't sure I could beat him up, either. So I had to play nicey nice. Thing is, no matter how I tried to explain it, bastard couldn't wrap his idiot head around the idea that I didn't want him to grab my ass. That I hadn't given him permission to grab my ass. And I'm damn sure that if bastard knew I was fearing for my life, cuz if he pushed it, I was gonna make him do some real damn damage, he enjoyed it.
I made it home safe. But I didn't go anywhere without a knife for years after. And it would still be a good idea.