The New Normal

When Shine found himself transforming into an alicorn colt, he was ecstatic, but also terrified--all of his dreams were coming true, but where was he supposed to go from here? It's time to get used to the new normal...

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Issue Two: Contagion - Chapter 4: Abandoned

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 12:30 PM

Ooof. I am noooot feeling great lately, it was really hard getting myself to work on this. ^_^;; Worst part is that I actually have a buffer of chapters written, I just haven't been able to continue. Like, a have a ton of story planned, but...I'm having trouble getting into writing. I haven't had a strong alicorn shift in awhile, which is the primary source I've been driving writing this from (naturally). I've also been dealing with burnout in general, I think, just going too hard. *shruuuuug*

Chapter Four: Abandoned

I gaped at the large, dark purple dragon precariously crouched on the suddenly too-small roof with me. He coiled around himself, fighting to fit, twin streams of dark smoke beginning to leak from his nostrils.


The dragon growled, whiskers undulating, and I noted his head was easily bigger than my whole body, ‘“Whoops?” What are you doing here!? You promised you would leave me alone!’

Hey now, ‘Um, no? I promised I wouldn’t stalk you anymore. Not like it was hard, you’re a public figure, and I just showed up at your work after hours, and I tried to be unobtrusive about it, because it is a shitty thing to do, but also we’re kinda in similar boats, but–but that’s not why I’m here.’

The dragon, James, apparently, slitted his eyes, looming closer, ‘Then why are you here?’

‘Are. We. Contagious?’


‘I have a friend who…who just started transforming, too. She doesn’t want to. Did I do this to her?’

James blinked at me, ‘Why the hell would I know?’

I gave him a flat glare, ‘Um, dude. Of the two of us, you definitely have more experience with all this.’

‘Why the hell would you say that?’

‘Because you’ve been like this longer than me! Because you saw me that first day, when I was still just starting to transform, and you chose to do nothing! Because…YOU JUST ABANDONED ME! I WAS SCARED, AND YOU…YOU JUST LEFT!’

‘It’s not my job to look after you!’

‘No, but it would’ve taken NOTHING for you to change EVERYTHING for me!’



He withdrew, eyes steely, ‘No.’

‘“No,” you wouldn’t bother to notice?’ I shot back.

‘No. You are the first…“transformee” I’ve seen.’

‘Thank you.’ I turned to leave.

‘That’s it?’

‘Fuck you.’ I shot back over my withers, unfurling my wings to cup the air. I flew away to think, leaving the dragon to grumble and curl deeper into his coils.

Maybe I was still a bit more mad at him than I’d realized.