Tuesday, August 30, 2022 - 3:34 PM

What if Unlimited Shapeshifting?

It was only a year ago that our world had utterly changed. In the span of twenty four hours, like a wave rippling over the planet, everyone had gained shapeshifting abilities. Unlimited shapeshifting abilities. It hadn't been obvious, at first, that that was what had happened. Some of us flowed between forms more readily than others, some of us were more inclined towards more drastically less human forms than others, or seemed to change more impulsively, more instinctively, than others. But once it became obvious that most people had been affected, then nearly everyone, then probably everyone but there were a few last, stubborn holdouts, the debates truly started.

Some stayed human, and that was fine, I supposed. Some settled on just one new form, others a myriad. Yet others changed small aspects every day, keeping to their old form mostly and only adding flourishes they varied like outfits. Everyone debated which choice was best. Everyone wondered how our world would grow as time went on, and more and more questions were posed and answered and re-answered. What would it be like for the ones being born who would only ever have known the new world?

Moreover, as people are wont to do, some tried to assert control over others' forms, by insisting it was only good and proper to stay human with no changes, or trying to stipulate what sort of changes should be allowed. "You shouldn't be allowed to be a dragon!" or "You shouldn't be allowed to be a fire hydrant!" Arguments, even demands, being made over the perceived ethical nature of the form, far apart from the individual's choices in said form.

Capitalism collapsed pretty quickly, which was a serious relief. So frankly I didn't see much but net gain for all involved. My friends and mates and I were all able to be our real selves, finally, and the world was restructuring. We would do our best to shove it towards a better, more compassionate, sustainable future.

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