Year Of...
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 10:09 PM
Let's try a new thing. I like CGP Grey, and I like his "Your Theme" video from...chaos, January 2020...timing, yo. ^_^;; I did incidentally do it that year: 2020 was my Year of Intentionality. It actually worked out surprisingly well! With "Intentionality" being such a malleable goal/theme, even when things went to shit with the pandemic raging, I was still able to have an actionable theme for the year to pursue. It helped to have something like "Intentionality" to work towards, or with, or whatever. I could intentionally choose to go for safe walks and runs around the neighborhood. I could intentionally work on time tracking, and understand how I was using my day: something I'd intended to do anyway. It was a theme that ended up working particularly well in a year where nothing could be taken for granted.
So yeah! After that did gangbusters for me in 2020, I promptly didn't choose a theme for 2021. Buuut...that's actually fine, too. 2021 was such a year in flux for me. My cat almost died of her chronic kidney disease in January, the close friend I'd reconnected with over the pandemic and I became mates, I sold my house and moved across the country (drove the 30 hour trip twice, actually! There and back before I did the house selling, and then there after it), changed my career, and started the harrowing job of recovering from trauma. It's been a bit. So yeah. I’m okay that I didn't put a label on it before I started. Frankly, none of the amazing stuff was possible alone, if I hadn't had my amazing friends' help, and my amazing mates to run to...I'd probably still be trapped in the same situation that had been killing me for years. If I had to retroactively backdate a theme, I'd probably call it the "Year of Recovery", or "Year of Escape". Either way, it was hard, but it was good, and I'm amazed to be where I am now.
So yeah. Let's do a theme. I want the theme for this year to be hopeful. "Wonder" pops out at me from a list I ran into, but I'm not sure how to work that. My salient goals at the moment are to get my legal name change and to get underway on earning a certificate for my new career, so yanno. That's a thing. "New Beginnings" is a possibility in that case. I'm trying to leave behind the guilt from leaving (ain't that a concept).
Aw shit, "Wander and Wonder" was literally a suggestion just now on this list. That's a pretty fuckin' me sentiment, though I don't think it necessarily jives with what I'm feeling for at the moment.
Maybe something more aggressive, like "Year of Fierceness"?
After thesaurus-ing "beginning," I think I'm gonna go with "Year of Opening". A Year of Opening up, of doing these blog posts. Of opening to new ideas and opportunities. To being more open to outsiders about who and what I am, and being more myself in situations I've been playing safe and hiding.
So yeah! Here's to the Year of Opening. Let's take it for a hell of a ride.
Year of... - Sonic