Anything But Ordinary
A Sonic fancomic. Ki Thorndyke falls from the Eggfort, but soon finds that her wounds are the least of her problems. She now has fur...
Original fic by Ink the Echidna. Broken into comic and drawn by me.
Chapter 1, Page 26

Well, I'm never coloring these this way again! Took waaaayyyy longer to finish than it should've. I say that every time, don't I! At least that it took way too long. Always true, but whatever. Anyway, yeah, cell shading takes way longer than my softer painting style. Or, at least, the way I've been doing it these past two pages, all in Illustrator and stuff. Plus, I wanna get some softer effects with Sonic's eyes. Eh, next page, right?
Yeah, so, I penciled this in June, was actually going at a fairly good clip on it, and then...EVERYTHING GOT CRAZY BUSY. Yup. Had LOTS of animating to do for school, which is awesome, and which I haven't really posted yet for reasons. Mostly cuz I've made a lot of half-finished animations, and half-finished animations look like butt. SO I'M WORKING ON FINISHING THEM AS FAST AS POSSIBLE WHILE I TRY AND GRADUATE FROM SCHOOL, AND WORKING ON THIS COMIC AND OTHER SHIT FOR BREAKS. ^_^ I like my breaks.
EDIT: I can't believe I forgot the burn on her arm! Added that in, and tweaked Ki and Sonic's fur colors a bit. Ki's fur really never needed to be that saturated a color, and even though I picked Sonic's as RGB blue for an actual reason, his doesn't need to be that eye-searingly vibrant, either. I know color theory now, dammit! Heh, I'm just stubborn. ALL OF THE STUBBORN-NESS.