Anything But Ordinary
A Sonic fancomic. Ki Thorndyke falls from the Eggfort, but soon finds that her wounds are the least of her problems. She now has fur...
Original fic by Ink the Echidna. Broken into comic and drawn by me.
Chapter 1, Page 24

HOLY. BALLS. Apparently the previous page of this went up five months ago? BALLS.
I don't even, guys. I hot hit by some major depressions for most of the past several months or so (it feels longer, I don't even know.) Basically, it was one of those things where I couldn't draw, nothing I did draw looked like any good to me, I didn't feel like I deserved things like food or drawing, or things I was bad. I dunno. I'm working on it, and that's one of the reasons I've been posting all those sketch pages: partially to show that I'm still making things, partially to motivate myself to continue to make things. And, just staying moving on things. Anyway, the pencils for this sat on my hard-drive for a long while, apparently I started on them November 13 (I date everything, I'm weird like that). Sooo, yeah. They were even mostly done for a long time--I just hit the "Hafta draw backgrounds" bit just as I hit the "EVERYTHING EVER IS TERRIBLE" wall.
Chaos, was that really just in November? Jeez, laying a lot of credence to the possibility of seasonal depression, here. Anyway, it's here now! ALSO I MADE A WHOLE TON OF PALETTES FOR MYSELF NOW. WHICH IS FUN. I'm experimenting with colored lines--a single line-color for each character, dropping the value of each character's "main color" (mostly fur color, though I went with a very dark cyan planning Chris' line color), to get the color their linework is in. It was fun, and I really like the idea of it! Sorta I'm planning to do it for a lot of things, but the ABO cast are who I test it out on. Cuz comic.
I was also gonna do an experiment with panels, but I'm gonna hafta change up a few more things earlier in my process before it'll work how I want to. Basically, I started the experiment, it wasn't working, and I went back to my normal-type-dealie--though the panel dividers on this page are thinner than I normally do.
CONTENT! The content of this page! It's kinda funny my depression kicked me in the ass so hard, because I really like how everyone looks on this page! Ki's got some fun tongue-sticking-out action, and I really like her sleeping posture, and Knux looks hilarious chuckling. YES, YES, "MY NAME IS KNUCKLES/UNLIKE SONIC I DON'T CHUCKLE" but COME ON, he TOTALLY did in Sonic 3/Sonic and Knuckles. HE SO DID, DON'T EVEN LIE! So, I kiiiiinda had to bring a bit of that back to him.
Knux, seriously, though, get your spine-dreadlock-thing out of your armpit. What the hell. Why did I draw it that way? Apparently that front dread is way longer than all the others, now? JEEZ, PAST ME. TOO BUSY FEELING BAD ABOUT YOURSELF TO FEEL BAD ABOUT YOURSELF?
Amy is totally there as an afterthought! I...forgot to draw her. And that was the original page layout I had...but then I decided to make the black panel at the bottom smaller, and placed differently, and I realized that chair was empty...Drawing Amy being a derp is the easiest ever. I swear that's her natural state, or something.
Chaos, this commentary is long. Um...have a page, hopefully I won't keep doing the hate myself thing?