Anything But Ordinary

A Sonic fancomic. Ki Thorndyke falls from the Eggfort, but soon finds that her wounds are the least of her problems. She now has fur...

Original fic by Ink the Echidna. Broken into comic and drawn by me.

Chapter 1, Page 20

PAGE 20! After three years, page twenty! Awwwww yeah...

Suck it, webcomic artists with hundreds of comics in their archives! I got TWENTY!

^_^;; So yeah. Mission statement when I started this comic was, "I need a project". And this was it! Heh...yeah. I didn't really intend to beat myself crazy trying to get pages out, but I did figure I'd update a bit more frequently! Ah well. Still, you can see how much I've improved over the last three years just looking through the pages of this comic, which is pretty cool.

Anyway. This page! We're finally getting Ki outta the woods. Now she can go bleed in the comfort of her own home! But not before Knux carrying her, and strapping her into the yeah!

I'm having a lot of fun with this comic, really. Promise! No, really! It's a lot of fun, and dealing with Ki's discomfort is a blast. Anyway. More at some point!